When marketing your products and services via web or print, it's imperative that your written materials are clean, error-free and easy to understand. For many thriving companies this can be a challenge, especially when you don't have the luxury of a professional writer on your payroll. Even the simplest typo or miscommunication can negatively impact your marketing efforts, and Twin works hard to make sure that never happens.
Twin Advertising understands the dire importance of written content that's engaging, accurate and audience-appropriate. To help make sure that your content and its message are flawless, we offer:
- Professional proofreading and content editing services
- Evaluation of tone consistency, spelling, grammar and punctuation
- Book editing services for writers and publishers
- Edits and proofing conducted by experienced copywriting experts
- Services for all mediums, including website, print and digital
- Guaranteed accuracy and thoroughness of our editorial services
Editorial Services for Service for Print, Web and Beyond…
It's remarkable how quickly a simple content oversight can tarnish the professionalism you've worked so hard for. Here at Twin Advertising, we take the accuracy and flow of your content very seriously. When you need to make absolutely sure that your finished piece is flawless, our team of editors and proofreaders can provide the reassurance you need.
Call Twin Advertising at 585-662-5905 to find out why we're a smart choice when it comes to affordable, reliable content editing services.